Sources of data for the Care Passport
The data needed for the Care Passports can usually be found in a number of different places, for example:
- Their Key Support Worker, a substantial amount of information about the client's abilities, likes and dislikes, favourite foods and paterns of behavior is acquired over time by the person charged with the responsibility developing a personal relationship with the client either in a day centre and/or their normal place of residence.
- 90% of the data required to construct a good Care Passport comes from the client's personal support team.
- Their Personal Care Plan, a legally required file contains a lot of very detailed information on the client’s clinical diagnosis, required treatment and support needs as well as personal details of family and a history of their care. This large and highly confidential file usually kept in a secure environment in the office at their residential home
Great care must be taken to ensure that NONE of the confidential information in the Personal Care Plan is included in the Care Passport as it is designed to be useable in a public environment.
- Their Personal Medication (MAR) Chart, this contains detailed instructions on the administration of any medication.
- The Car Passport DOES NOT replicate the MAR charts, it is simply a guide or reminder to indicate when or if medication is to be administered.
- Medication can only be administered by (or under the direct supervision of) qualified nursing staff.
Gathering the information to put in the Care Passport is a delicate task and great care must be taken not to include any sensitive or confidential information as the Care Passport may be read by anyone coming into personal contact with the client.