

We can feel stressed and uncomfortable when trying to care for someone we know very little about who cannot communicate and is equally unsure or even afraid of us.

There are many occasions where support workers are providing cover for colleagues when they are away or care is being provided by temporary, inexperienced or trainee staff.  In these situations they are unlikely to be familiar with the client they are being asked to support.

Getting quick and easy access to important information held in the client's Personal Care Plan which is usually kept securely in the Office Filling System may not be possible.

  • The Care Passport sumarises the client's critical support needs in a simple, quick and easy to read format that enables us to find that important information immediately.

Like a "Passport" the Care Passport is portable and resilient so that it can be carried on the person and is readily available for reference when needed.

© Digby Payne 2012